Tuesday 8 June 2021

Tauern Bike Trail 2021 - Part 2

Tauern Bike Trail
Friday - June 4th 2021
Our second day started with breakfast and then we hit the road again. The Tauern Bike Trail can be done on two routes. The main route runs from Krimml via Zell am See and St. Johann im Pongau to Salzburg. Since we knew that part already from last year's Alpe Adria Bike Trail tour, we decided to do the alternative route via Saalfelden and Bad Reichenhall. After we left Zell am See behind, we cycled towards Saalfelden am Steinernen Meer. Yesterday we followed the Salzach river and today our tour took us along the Saalach river towards Salzburg. The weather was great, the sun was shining and it wasn't that warm yet and so we got along pretty well. Soon we arrived in Saalfelden and from there the bike trail took us to Lofer, where we arrived around noon.

Today's Tour

Our Bed & Breakfast

Along the Tauern Bike Trail

Along the Tauern Bike Trail

Along the Tauern Bike Trail

Along the Tauern Bike Trail


Along the Tauern Bike Trail

Along the Tauern Bike Trail

Along the Tauern Bike Trail

Along the Tauern Bike Trail

In Lofer we stopped at a local supermarket to get some snacks for lunch. We bought baked rolls, salads, hummus, chips and two ice cold beers. Once we found a quiet place, we enjoyed our lunch. After our break we hit the road again and continued our tour. On the way to Salzburg we had to cross a small part of Germany, where we stopped in Bad Reichenhall for a glass of beer. After a stroll through the lovely village we returned to our bikes just to realize that my bike had a flat tire. Luckily Salzburg wasn't very far and so I inflated my tire again just to reach Salzburg. However along the way we had to stop several times to fix the tire again. When we arrived in Salzburg it was already late afternoon so we went to Uncle Van for dinner and got an ice cream before we drove home.

Our Lunch


Along the Tauern Bike Trail

Along the Tauern Bike Trail

Along the Tauern Bike Trail

Crossing the Boarder to Germany

Along the Tauern Bike Trail

Along the Tauern Bike Trail

Bad Reichenhall

Bad Reichenhall

Bad Reichenhall

Beer Break

Back in Salzburg

Dinner at Uncle Van

Well deserved Ice Cream

After cycling parts of the Alpe Adria Bike Trail and the Salzkammergut Bike Trail last year, the Tauern Bike Trail was our third tour and probably our favourite until now. The route was very scenic and most of the time we didn't have to use main roads. Now we can't wait to finish the Tauern Bike Trail to Passau. Hopefully we can do it later this year.

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